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Chapter 21
Nimble was slowly beginning to loose hope. It’d been a year of tight binds, little or no food, and Steel’s cruelty. The only thing that seemed to raise her spirits was Drago’s help, that and one day she might see her friends. “Lady Zoith, I beg you.” Nimble prayed as tears were forming in her eyes, “Just let me see my friends once more, if only in passing. Just once more is all I ask.” It was then she could hear the sound of the cell door being unlock and then screeching open. Nimble turned her head as best she could to see who it was. “Good afternoon, Nimble.” She heard Drago say. “Oh go away.” Nimble sadly said. “Now is that any way to talk to your friend.” Drago asked, “I brought you dinner.” “I'm not hungry.” Nimble sadly said. “Now you must eat.” Drago said in a motherly tone of voice, “You haven’t touched a bite of food in over a week and you’ll need it for tonight.” Nimble looked at Drago in confusion as Drago smiled a put her paw on Nimble’s shoulder and said, “I found your hearse friend, he’s in a funeral home not far from here.” Nimble’s eyes widened as Drago continued, “Steel and Hawkeye are taking a nap and I have no idea where Elprez is so now is the perfect time to escape.” Drago then undid Nimble’s binds as Nimble then stood up and rubbed her wrists and neck to life, happy to be freed of those horrible bonds after a years worth of them cutting into her delicate skin and fur. They then walked out of the cell and started making their way to the outer wall of the mansion.

The sun gleamed down brightly as nimble and Drago quietly crept along the spacious garden grounds to the outer wall. When they had made their way up to the gate, Drago quickly ran to the other side so no one could see them. Nimble’s heart began to race with fear and elation. Happy she’d be free to find her friends, but terrified at the thought of what steel would do to her if she was found out. They stopped just outside of the gate. They both pressed flat against the ivy wall as Drago peaked her head around the gate to see if steel was out there. Luckily the only one out was Elprez, drinking and smoking as usual. Nimble was generally fond of Elprez. But on this occasion she was terrified, terrified he might tell steel and then she’d never be free. Nimble silently prayed as she slammed her eyes closed and shook with fear. “Let’s go.” Nimble heard Drago say. They crept silently out of the gate for a few feet until Nimble stepped on a stick, snapping it beneath her lion paw that was wrapped with the ribbon her mother had given her. She froze in fear as Drago looked at her and said, “Smooth move, Nimble.” “HEY UNDERTAKER!” She could hear Elprez shout. “Undertaker” was his nick name for her because she was always dressed in her father’s undertaker uniform, even when steel told her to wear the slave robes that were customary for Numa Harbor. “So what are you up to?” Elprez asked as he walked up to them, noticing she was totally unfettered, “Oh, did steel not put the restraints on today?” Nimble’s eyes widened as her mind raced to find a fast lie. “I'm letting her go.” Drago snapped up. Nimble’s heart almost stopped at the announcement. “Oh Drago, what have you done?” Nimble fearfully thought to herself as Elprez started to walk up to them, “Now I'm done for! I'll never see Herman or Titanic again!” Elprez stopped right in front of them and looked at nimble. “One for the road.” He said as he handed Nimble one of his cigars, “good luck, undertaker.” Nimble looked at him with shock as she said, “Thank you.” “ELPREZ! GET OVER HERE NOW!” they heard steel shout, “THE SLAVE HAS ESCAPED!” “RUN!” Drago said to Nimble, “But do not fly at night, it’ll attract his attention.” “What about you two.” Nimble asked. “Don’t worry.” Drago said as she released her razor sharp claws, “I'll take care of the penguin.” Nimble ran off as Drago headed for steel with fangs and teeth bare…
SORRY its been a while since i've been able to finish a chapter....damn midterms.

anywho! not much to say about this chapter except to use your own imaganation at the end

bacground pic (c) google images

nimble and charateres (c) :iconthegreattitanicchick: 2007
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BladedMako's avatar
I would have gone into a little more detail there at the end.